When you’re checking out a potential new residence, you always have a million questions running through your head, and sometimes it’s easy to forget a few important ones. Here are seven safety questions to ask your landlord before you move in:
1) Are all the appliances working properly?
Before a tenant moves in, you must make sure all utilities are working. You should check out all the burners, the fridge, and all the water taps., that there are no clogs or leaks in the plumbing, and that the outlets and overhead lights in every room are operational. These are necessities that a tenant needs to maintain their quality of life.
2) Have the locks been changed?
Before a new tenant moves in, you should always change the locks on the doors. This is done for the safety of the tenant and to protect you from liability. You do not want an old tenant to have the keys to the new tenant’s apartment. Spend the RM50 to RM100 on a new lock to avoid any issues.

3) Clean the Property
Cleaning is especially important if you are doing an apartment turnover, which means there was a previous tenant living in the unit. You will want to make sure the unit is thoroughly cleaned, especially areas such as the tub, toilet, stove, and refrigerator. Vacuum or sweep to remove any additional debris.
4) Are the draperies, blinds, or curtains included?
Sometimes the window treatments are not included with the residence, so it’s always a good idea to check. Blinds, drapes, or curtains are essential when you’re moving into a place. You don’t want strangers to be able to look into your residence and see all your valuables, especially when you’re moving in and everything is scattered in plain view. Make sure to get some good window treatments installed stat if they don’t come with the residence.
5) Has the place been tested for mold?
Mold in homes can be associated with several health risks, including eye irritation, respiratory problems, and headaches. Mold can often be found in crawl spaces, attics, and drywall, and if found, it should be removed immediately and the area should be cleaned. Generally, homes or apartments should be tested for mold every 5–10 years. Be especially careful if you notice any black mold, and be sure to ask about this when you’re taking your first tour of the home.

6) Is there a fire extinguisher on the premises?
Although it’s more common in apartment complexes, many residences come equipped with fire extinguishers to use in case of emergency. If your residence does not come with a fire extinguisher, consider buying one and keeping it in an easy-to-grab place in case of a fire emergency. Educate yourself about what to do in case of a fire, and make sure you have all of the essentials ready to go.
7) How can you stay safe in the neighborhood?
Our landlord should know the neighborhood well enough to give you general safety advice. For example, do they provide covered parking (since street parking risks car burglary)? If you live in a complex with a building door, is there a key or electronic code used to lock the building in the evening?

Source from: Safewise ; SmallBusiness
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